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  How to create mapped events?
Posted by: jeevitha - 12-26-2022, 04:41 AM - Forum: BDB Data Pipeline Q & A - No Replies

In pipeline Module, Under Create new event, enable - Slide to enable Event Mapping For this Event
In the other pipeline where we need mapped events, give event name from the previous pipeline

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  How to use auto update gv and notify gv using scripts?
Posted by: sariga.vr@bdb.ai - 12-26-2022, 04:41 AM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

This can be done using

sdk.updateGlobalVariable( 'ComponentID',
{'Key': 'Values'},Notify_true_OR_false );

          Here {'Key': 'Values'}àThis part performs the function of update GV
                   Notify_true_OR_false )àThis performs the function of notify GV

Here if we give true then it executes the script written in that particular component(notify true should be enabled only in components)

Note : We cannot use this code in connection of any component with notify as true.

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  How to obtain a drilled value from other charts without using label?
Posted by: sariga.vr@bdb.ai - 12-26-2022, 04:37 AM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

Key : [componentId : value]
                   Here Key – Any text that we want to display as heading.
                           componentId – Represents the id of a component from which we have to obtain the data.
                          Value – Represents the data that we want

Note : Here square bracket is compulsory.

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  What is auto update GV?
Posted by: sariga.vr@bdb.ai - 12-26-2022, 04:30 AM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

If we enable this option then the selected index value will be passed in the backend.

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  What is Selected Columns in pipeline
Posted by: sariga.vr@bdb.ai - 12-26-2022, 04:20 AM - Forum: BDB Data Pipeline Q & A - No Replies

Selected Columns has 
             Alias Name
             Column Type

This help us to select some column and if we want to rename it we can provide alias name and also we will be able to change the column type also[data type].

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  What are the two deployment types in pipeline
Posted by: sariga.vr@bdb.ai - 12-26-2022, 04:16 AM - Forum: BDB Data Pipeline Q & A - No Replies

The main two deployment types in pipeline are:

Spark mainly consists of two pods
          Driver : Driver instructs executor what should be done
          Executor : Executor performs the task given.

Docker has limit and request.

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  What factors that we have to consider while doing pipeline.
Posted by: sariga.vr@bdb.ai - 12-26-2022, 04:08 AM - Forum: BDB Data Pipeline Q & A - No Replies

We must consider the Volume and Velocity of data that we are going to process it

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  What is consumer group and consumer?
Posted by: sariga.vr@bdb.ai - 12-26-2022, 04:05 AM - Forum: BDB Data Pipeline Q & A - No Replies

Each component is called as Consumer Group.
Instances of each component is called as Consumer.

While considering partitions and consumer we must know that 
         Partitions >= Consumer
                       ie. Each partition can be sent to only one consumer of each consumer group.
                            Consumer can consume data from two different partiotions.

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  script to adjust dashboard height
Posted by: sariga.vr@bdb.ai - 12-25-2022, 04:50 PM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

sdk.applyStyles("#draggablesParentDiv"+sdk.dashboard.m_id, { "height": "2000"},{"width":"1300"});

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  how to provide background color and bottom border
Posted by: sariga.vr@bdb.ai - 12-25-2022, 04:41 PM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

var a=sdk.getDivIdFromComponetId('label3');

sdk.applyStyles( "#" +a+ " span", { "background": "#01b8aa","border-bottom": "5px solid #01b8aa"} );

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