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How to use environment va...
Forum: BDB Platform Q & A
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12-26-2022, 05:57 AM
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  How and when to use environment variables?
Posted by: archana - 12-26-2022, 05:54 AM - Forum: BDB Platform Q & A - No Replies

- Environment variables are used for manager login's
- In Admin Module, in Configurations, under custom field settings, we need to create a custom field information(key),
- Then in Security Module, we need to edit our username and pass a value through it under custom fields section

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  control opacity of datagrid header, mouseover, selected row vertical lines
Posted by: jeevitha - 12-26-2022, 05:53 AM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

sdk.getWidget("datagrid1").m_rowopacity = 0.8;
sdk.getWidget("datagrid1").m_headerrowopacity = 0.6;
sdk.getWidget("datagrid1").m_rowhoveropacity = 0.4;
sdk.getWidget("datagrid1").m_rowselectedopacity = 0.6;
sdk.getWidget("datagrid1").m_rowlinesopacity = 0.8;

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  How to configure Data Sheet?
Posted by: archana - 12-26-2022, 05:51 AM - Forum: BDB Platform Q & A - No Replies

In Admin Module, Under Configurations in Data sheet Settings, we can edit and provide our database details

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  Modify the date range of date picker component dynamically, by passing a condition
Posted by: archana - 12-26-2022, 05:48 AM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

var displayDate = changedItem.attributes.Value;
sdk.getWidget( 'date2' ).m_defaultdate = displayDate;

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  To export excel with Number Formatters
Posted by: jeevitha - 12-26-2022, 05:16 AM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

var ch = sdk.getWidget('datagrid1'); ch.m_enablexcelformatter = true;

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  Script for controlling Pie Chart Stroke line color
Posted by: jeevitha - 12-26-2022, 05:13 AM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

var comp=sdk.getWidget( 'pie1' );
comp.m_strokecolor= "#f31010";

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  How to do GIT Migration?
Posted by: jeevitha - 12-26-2022, 05:10 AM - Forum: BDB Platform Q & A - No Replies

In Dashboard designer, click on push to git
Then in admin module, in configurations, under GIT Migration import the file.

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  How to get current quarter start and end date from dashboard
Posted by: abhishek_acharya - 12-26-2022, 05:09 AM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

We will get date in yyyy-mm-dd format
Quarter indexing starts from zero

function current_quarter_start_date(quarter,year){
var aa=year+"-01-01";
 var bb=year+"-04-01";
 var cc=year+"-07-01";
 var dd=year+"-10-01";
if (quarter==1){return aa;}
else if (quarter==2){return bb;}
else if (quarter==3){return cc;}
else {return dd;}}

function current_quarter_end_date(quarter,year){
var aa=year+"-03-31";
 var bb=year+"-06-30";
 var cc=year+"-09-30";
 var dd=year+"-12-31";
if (quarter==1){return aa;}
else if (quarter==2){return bb;}
else if (quarter==3){return cc;}
else {return dd;}}

var date = new Date();
var year= date.getFullYear();
var current_quarter = Math.ceil((date.getMonth()+1) / 3);

var curqtr_start = current_quarter_start_date(current_quarter,year) );
var curqtr_end = current_quarter_end_date(current_quarter,year) );

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  Script for changing width of Box Component
Posted by: archana - 12-26-2022, 05:08 AM - Forum: BDB Designer Q & A - No Replies

sdk.applyStyle( '#draggableDiv'+sdk.getWidget('box1').m_objectid, 'width', '300px' );
sdk.applyStyle( '#draggableCanvas'+sdk.getWidget('box1').m_objectid, 'width', '300px' );

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  What is Variable Explorer in ds lab
Posted by: jeevitha - 12-26-2022, 05:08 AM - Forum: DS- Lab Q&A - No Replies

It is to inspect variables in a dedicated dialog. This is useful when you need to keep track of some variable and at the same time be able to navigate between frames and threads.

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