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Script for dashboard guided tour
var config = {
name: 'dashboardTour',
steps: [
{"element": "#" + sdk.getDivIdFromComponetId('datagrid9'), "title": "Yearly Sales grid ", "content": "This grid shows Sales trend by Years < br> Shows Sales in M$ < br> Refresh the grid by selecting different firm from filter", "placement" : "auto", "duration": "1500"},
{"element": "#" + sdk.getDivIdFromComponetId('sgauge4'), "title": "Sales Target vs Actual ", "content": "Gauge has target and achieved sales in selected year", "placement" : "bottom", "duration": "2000" },
{"element": "#" + sdk.getDivIdFromComponetId('grpbar10'), "title": "Sales Category Chart ", "content": "This chart plots cumulative sum of sales in each segment" }
onStart: function(){},
onEnd: function(){}

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