How do we balance the imbalanced dataset - Printable Version

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How do we balance the imbalanced dataset - manjunath - 12-23-2022

An imbalanced dataset is a dataset in which one class is significantly more prevalent than the other class(es). This can be a problem when training machine learning models, as the model may be more accurate at predicting the more prevalent class, while struggling to accurately predict the minority class(es). This can lead to poor overall performance, particularly for the minority class(es).
There are several techniques that can be used to balance an imbalanced dataset:
·        Oversampling the minority class: This involves generating synthetic data points for the minority class to increase its prevalence in the dataset.
·        Undersampling the majority class: This involves randomly selecting a subset of the majority class data points to reduce its prevalence in the dataset.
·        Generating synthetic data points: This involves using algorithms to generate new data points that are similar to the existing data points in the minority class.
·        Weighting the classes: This involves assigning higher weights to the minority class data points when training the model, which can help to improve the model's performance on the minority class.
·        Using a specialized algorithm: There are some machine learning algorithms, such as those based on decision trees, that are designed to handle imbalanced datasets more effectively.
The specific technique that is most appropriate for a particular dataset will depend on the characteristics of the data and the goals of the analysis.